RALLY ON RIVER THAMES from Lechlade to London HAJÓZÁS A TEMZÉN Lechlade-ből Londonba 2013. Aug.
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15. NAP - DAY 15 -
2013.08.30. London - Szent Pál Katedrális, Modern Tate Galéria, Temze déli parti fesztivál London - Saint Paul's Cathedral, Modern Tate Gallery, Thames Southern Beach Festival |
Szent Pál Katedrális - Saint Paul's Cathedral |
1. Oxford street |
2. Oxford street |
3. Oxford street |
4. Trafalgar Square |
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5. Trafalgar Square | 6. Fleet Street | 7. Fleet Street | 8. Temple Bar Dragon, Fleet Street |
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9. | 10. St Paul's Cathedral | 11. St Paul's Cathedral | 12. St Paul's Cathedral |
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13. St Paul's Cathedral | 14. St Paul's Cathedral | 15. St Paul's Cathedral | 16. Milleniumi híd - Milleneum Bridge |
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17. | 18. Milleniumi híd - Milleneum Bridge | 19. Apály - Low tide | 20. Gábor, Klári |
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21. Gábor, Klári | 22. Temze panoráma - Panorama on Thames | 23. Temze panoráma - Panorama on Thames | 24. Temze panoráma - Panorama on Thames |
London - Modern Tate Gallery |
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25. Milleniumi híd - Milleneum Bridge | 26. Nyírfaliget - Trees | 27. Aranyember - Gold man | 28. Ezüst ember - Silver man |
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29. | 30. | 31. | 32. Kilátás a teraszról - Wiew from terrace |
33. Panoráma a Tate Modern Galéria teraszáról - View from the terrace of the Modern Tate Gallery |
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34. Kilátás a teraszról - Wiew from terrace | 35. Kilátás a teraszról - Wiew from terrace | 36. Kilátás a teraszról - Wiew from terrace | 37. Kilátás a teraszról - Wiew from terrace |
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38. | 39. | 40. | 41. |
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42. | 43. | 44. | 45. |
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46. | 47. | 48. | 49. |
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50. | 51. | 52. | 53. |
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54. | 55. | 56. | 57. |
Séta - Walk |
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58. Milleniumi híd - Milleneum Bridge | 59-60. Shakespeare Globe színházának a másolata - Reproduction of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre | 61. |
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62-63. Ebéd - Lunch | 64. | 65. |
Temze déli parti fesztivál - Thames Southern Beach Festival |
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66. | 67. | 68. | 69. |
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70. | 71. | 72. | 73. |
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74. | 75. | 76. | 77. |
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78. | 79. | 80. | 81. |
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82. | 83. | 84. | 85. |
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86. | 87. | 88. | 89. |
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90. | 91. | | |