Na autocesti kamionom udario medvjeda kojega su policajci kasnije ubili


Article 1     





Na autocesti kamionom udario medvjeda kojega su policajci kasnije ubili
utorak, 16.6.2009 



On the motorway a camion struck a bear, which was later killed by the police

 Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Flag of Hungary

Az autópályán egy kamion elütött egy medvét, amelyet később a rendőrség megölt

 2009 június 16. kedd

NA AUTOCESTI Zagreb-Split sinoć oko 1.30 sati kamion kojim je upravljao 39-godišnjak iz Splita udario je u medvjeda, priopćila je Policijska uprava ličko-senjska.

On the Zagreb-Split motorway last night around 1:30 a truck which was driven by a 39 years old man from Split struck a bear, reported the police directorate  of  Ličko-Senj.

A Zagrab-Split autópályán múlt éjjel körülbelül   1:30-kor egy kamion – amelyet egy 39 éves férfi vezetett Splitből – elütött egy medvét, jelentette a  Ličko-Senj Rendőrség.

On je Ivecovim kamionom daruvarskih registarskih oznaka udario u medvjeda kod odmorišta Jadranova u smjeru juga te je pritom životinju teško ozlijedio.

He, with an Iveco truck, with Daruvar plate number struck the bear, in south direction from Resting place Jadranova,  and thereby the animal slightly injured.

A férfi egy daruvari rendszámú Iveco kamionnal ütötte el a medvét a Jadranova pihenőhelytől déli irányban, és ettől az állat enyhén megsérült.

Zbog straha da medvjed ne napadne ljude, policajci su ga ubili iz pištolja.

Because of the fear that the bear (not) attacks people, the policemen killed him by pistol.

Attól tartva, hogy a medve emberekre támad, a rendőrök lelőtték pisztollyal.

Optužni prijedlog će se podići protiv Hrvatskih autocesta jer medvjed se ne smije naći na cesti.

Investigation proposal will be raised against the Croatian motorways, because bear cannot (not allowed) be found on the motorway.

Nyomozási javaslatot indítanak a Horvát Autópálya ellen, mivel medve nem lehetne az úton.


sinoć = this night

upravljati = to drive, to rule, to lead, to manage

... godišnjak = ... year old man    ----   “godišnjica“  for female ?

udariti  = to hit, to beat, to strike

priopćiti = to report, to announce

uprava = directorate

smjer = direction     idemo u krivom smjeru = we go in wring direction

prit ????

životinja = animal

teško = slightly

ozlijediti = to hurt, to cause hurting

ozlijediti se = to hurt himself/herself, to be injured

zbog + genitive  = because of

strah = fear, scare

napasti = to attack     napadne = ???

ubiti = to kill

optužni  =  criminativ / investigating ?

prijedlog  = proposal, suggestion

podići = to raise

jer = because

smjeti = allowed, can   -   Smijem li zapaliti ? = May I smoke ?

naći = to find

IlustracijaArticle 2






Nesreća na autoputu
utorak, 16.6.2009


Misfortune on the motorway
Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Flag of Hungary

Szerencsétlenség az autópályán

2009 június 16. kedd

Kamion pregazio medvjeda, muke mu skratili policajci

Truck hit a bear, and police shortened his suffering

Kamion ütött el egy medvét, és a rendősrég megrövídítette a szenvedését

GOSPIĆ – Na autocesti Zagreb – Split, kod odmorišta Jadova, oko 1.30 sati kamion kojim je upravljao 39-godišnjak iz Splita udario je u medvjeda i teže ga ozlijedio, a nakon toga ga je usmrtila policija.

GOSPIĆ - On the Zagreb-Split motorway, at the Resting place Jadovo,  around 1:30 a truck which was driven by a 39 years old man from Split struck a bear, and hurted him heavily, and after that he was killed by the police.

GOSPIĆ - A Zagrab-Split autópályán, a  Jadovo parkolóhelynél, 1:30 körül egy kamion, amelyet egy 39 éves férfi vezetett Splitből, elütött egy medvét, és súlyosan megsebesítette, ezután a macit lelőtték a rendőrök.

Prema priopćenju Policijske uprave ličko-senjske, medvjed je preskočio visoku ogradu oko autoceste i našao se na cesti, kada je na njega naletio kamion ťivecoŤ daruvarske registracije.

According to the reoprting of  Ličko-Senj police directorate, the bear jumped through the high fence of the motorway and found himself on the road, when ran into him the truck Iveco, with Daruvar platenumber.

A Ličko-Senj Rendőrség jelentése szerint, a medve átugrotta az autópálya magas kerítését, és az úttesten találta magát, amikor belerohant a daruvari rendszámú  Iveco kamion.

Životinja, teže ozlijeđena, ostala je ležati na autocesti ugrožavajući promet.

The animal, heavily injured, stayed laid on the motorway blocking the traffic.

Az állat súlyosan megsebesülve fekve maradt az autópályán, blokkolva a forgalmat.

Zbog straha da medvjed ne napadne ljude, stigli su policajci koji su ga ubili hicima iz pištolja.

Because of the fear that bear (not) attacks people, the arriving policemen killed him from pistol.

Attól tartva, hogy a medve emberekre támad, a kiérkező rendőrség pisztollyal megölte.

Kako se pretpostavlja, medvjeda je na autocestu privukao miris otpada na odmorištu Jadova.

As it is imagined, the bear  was attracted by the smell of garbage in the Resting place Jadova.

Az elképzelések szerint a medvét a szemét szaga vonzotta a Jadova parkolóhelynél. 

Optužni prijedlog će se podići protiv Hrvatskih autocesta jer medvjed se ne smije naći na cesti.

Criminative(investigating)  proposal will be raised against the Croatian motorway, because bear should not be found on the road.

Nyomozási javaslatot indítanak a Horvát Autópálya ellen, mivel medve nem lehetne az úton.


pregaziti = to hit, elgázol

muka = (noun)  suffering  ???

skratiti = to shorten, to make shorter

teže = heavily

nakon + genitive = after

nakon toga = after that

usmrtiti = to kill

prema + locative = according to

skočiti = to jump

ograda = fence

naići se = to found himself/herself

kada = when

naletjeti = to run into him

ostati = to stay

ugrožavaći = to block ???

promet = traffic

stignuti = to arrive

ubiti = to kill ??

hicima = ????

privuknuti  = to get used to

miris = (noun) smell

otpadak = rubbish, garbage