South Tunisia's desert world was very picturesque. Chenini the old Berber mountain village
was very unique and beautiful. We drove one day in the Sahara and had not even met a single
person. We felt
the great power of the sand, when we
had to get over the dunes covered the
road. We experienced our loneliness and littleness when our car broke down... in
the middle
of the desert.
Chenini. A picturesque desert village in South Tunisia. |
These cute little boys selled stones to us. |
A Berber home and a
Berber woman. |
View from Chenini. |
This was the
place where we had enough trouble: the road was covered by sand, and water
was dropping from our car. Gábor fixed the problem by applying a rubber patch. |
A village and camels in
the end of the world. |
Can you see the white monument in the distance? It is the monument of Colonel Leclerce, leader of French troops during World War II.. |
Sand is coming in the road. |
Sand is coming in the road. |
Camels on the horizont. |
Endless sand... |
Beautiful wild donkeys. |
Optical delusion: |